Air quality in our modern cities is a big concern. Most often poor air quality is due to industry but also the masses of cars (in western countries) and scooters/motorbikes (in Asia) that crowd the streets of our cities.

To raise awareness about air pollution in your city, you can simply setup quickly a Facebook stream with a camera facing out at the skyline and overlay the current Air Quality Index (AQI) read-out for your district. Here is how. Read more

The ROG_EXT is by far the most popular Managed Device at This very simple but effective connector helps PC enthusiasts to monitor readings from sensors on select ASUS Motherboards.

Today we are releasing our first fully fledge video tutorial of the platform – and it’s using as an example device the ROG_EXT. Read more

In this guide, we will show you how to overlay Telemetric data from your ASUS ROG Motherboard using For this guide we will be using’s Managed Device functionality.

No coding skills or linux knowledge required here. With Managed Devices it is super simple. All you need is; a RaspberryPi (2 or 3), the TeVo X2 telemetry hat and the ROG_EXT. Let’s get started! Read more guide to stream telemetry from a temperature and humidity sensor

They call this dogfooding… let’s try it out. Here is a guide on how to build, configure and use a temperature and humidity stream overlay with

This is a small project I completed by myself in less than 2 hours. Since all the code is written, you should be able to get to the same result within less than an hour. Ready, go! Read more